Health and Wellbeing
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Suicide / Self-Harm prevention – Bake Me Happy
Raising awareness of suicide and self-harm and ultimately saving lives.

East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Establishing what was important to patients of the recently closed Danes House Medical Practise.

Supporting two GP practises to reduce the amount of time spent on non-medical issues.

Integrated Alternative Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Work with communities and localities with high numbers of patients with a diagnosed long-term condition to facilitate access into the IAPT for Long Term Conditions services.

Cancer Screening
LBN delivered services & activities across Lancashire to empower organisations, groups & individuals to realise and unlock their potential.

Preston Cancer Screening
This project worked with low uptake practices to increase both cervical and bowel screening services. LBN spoke with 511 patients at 4 practices, addressing barriers to screening and booking appointments.

Heritage Lottery Project – Yaadein (Memories)
Lottery Funded Heritage Lottery Fund. An exciting project working with first generation South Asian women across East Lancashire to capture their migration experiences.