
Find job opportunities within Lancashire BME Network’s organisation and their members’ circle. Register interest and contact us for voluntary duties and work placement opportunities.

LBN Vacancies and Opportunities

Look here for any job vacancies or any opportunity to work in partnership with LBN.

Please keep an eye out for any other opportunities via our social media and this page.

Click Here for Job and Partnership Opportunities

External Vacancies

Look here for any job vacancies listed by our members and other organisations.

For more information and opportunities, check out our members’ social media platforms or website.

Click Here to see the Job Marketplace


 Lancashire BME Network has a variety of volunteering opportunities available from time to time, ranging from basic office duties to outreach, research, and marketing.

If you are interested in volunteering for us, email us at: office@lancashirebmenetwork.org.uk

Please state which types of volunteering activities you wish to undertake. 


If you are interested in a placement at Lancashire BME Network, within the wider organisation or as part of our Talk Me Happy service (counsellor or befriender) please email: office@lancashirebmenetwork.org.uk or contact us on 01254 392974 for more information.

Please state which type of placement you wish to undertake.