Advice and Guidance
Back to Previous ProjectsCOVID-19 Support
LBN put together a list of comprehensive resources and guides to help the communities around Lancashire throughout the pandemic.
Support 360 – Burnley
Support 360 is a project covering Burnley and Pendle, providing support, information and guidance to residents.
Countywide Infrastructure Supporting Programme (CISP)
LBN commenced delivery of CISP as a partner of Lancashire Association of CVS’s.
Building Better Opportunities (BBO) Invest in Youth
Engaging with young people (15-24) who are not in employment, education, or training.
LACVS ESF Volunteering Project
Supporting people across Lancashire in accessing education/training/volunteering and employment.
Building Better Opportunities (BBO) – Age of Opportunities
Supporting individuals aged 50+ who are not in education, employment, training, or volunteering to move closer to the job market.
GP Resilience
Supporting two GP practises to reduce the amount of time spent on non-medical issues.
Integrated Alternative Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Work with communities and localities with high numbers of patients with a diagnosed long-term condition to facilitate access into the IAPT for Long Term Conditions services.
Cancer Screening Champions
LBN delivered services & activities across Lancashire to empower organisations, groups & individuals to realise and unlock their potential.